Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This Really Bugs Me

2 Recent News Stories, well theres a lot really but 2 that really get to me


The Phoebe Prince story. What happened I think is horrible. Just horrible. Being bullied is no fun, and is nothing new. But to be driven to suicide by bullying is really bad. And the fact that she was still being harassed AFTER she died on her facebook memorial page makes me really sad. What made these "bullies" think it was ok to say such things to someone? of course they plead "not guilty" I wanna know how their parents feel. To know your kid could be so mean. They deserve whatever punishment they get served to them.


The Constance McMillen Story.

All she wanted to do was bring her girlfriend to prom with her. But the school district had (what i think) realllly stupid rule that your date had to be of the opposite sex. Ok thats stupid. So say you couldnt get a 'date' and wanted to go with your best friend who may be of the same sex, you cant go with them? right.....

So they cancel prom. Which is an all around suck for everyone. But what REALLY bothers me is what happened recently. The PARENTS set up a prom for Constance and her girlfriend and a few other friends. 7 people showed up. why? it was a FAKE. yes they went to a fake prom, while the rest of the class went to the real one.

Way to be a role model to your kids you freakin ass holes. Im assuming that the kids who went to the "real" prom knew about the fake, since the 7 had no idea i guess.

I dont get how they can think its ok to do something like that to a kid, when they did NOTHING wrong.

some people make me sick. i cant believe people could ever be so rude. but sadly they are out there.

What do you all think?